Finding Time

Don't waste your time.

You never get it back. Once it has been spent it is gone forever.

The most important things to consider about time is:

  • Is this important?
  • How long are your chunks? (Deep work requires more time than management work.)
  • When do they happen? (do they happen when you have more energy or less)
  • Will there be distractions? (Deep work is difficult with distractions)
  • How long will it take to finish xyz to attain your goal?

With that in mind, you can schedule in, and protect your time. Life sometimes throws things at you that is difficult for you to move.

But it is essential to map out your life so that you have a good chance of success. By just nudging and properly allocating your time, you have a chance to hit your goals.

In my life, I have to juggle school, work projects, buisness, freelance work, teaching kids, and building a home. There isn't enough time for everything. But I have to somehow make it happen anyways.

This is where scheduling comes in. This is where pushes and timing matters. Certain tasks only require a certain amount of time before they are completed. This can be like a freelance project. Other tasks are consistent tasks you need to do to maintain and grow. This can be like teaching your kids studying skills. Everything can't happen at the same time. Only a certain amount of things can get done in a day. So it is paramount to plan everything out to see if it works.

For me, it is as simple as keeping a calander, seeing if it is working each day, and modifying it as needed. I just started it.

Let's hope that I can find the time for the important things in my life.